Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to Do Something Essay Topic

How to Do Something Essay TopicWriting an essay on the topic of how to do something, like how to find a new job, may seem like a little too easy a task. I'm sure you've read plenty of advice online about how to find the right words and how to make your writing flow properly. But you may be asking yourself, how do I make sure my writing is persuasive? How do I have a truly persuasive essay on the topic of how to do something?One of the most important things to remember when writing on any topic is to make it relevant to the reader. How do I make my writing relevant to the reader? By showing the reader where you want them to go in your mind and make them want to get there.A few years ago, I wrote an essay called How to Do Something For A Lousy Salary - And Win! This was not a reference to anyone in particular, but to anyone who is struggling to make ends meet. The essence of the piece was how a new graduate from a university class had come up with a plan to apply for a temp job and giv e himself a real chance to land a full-time job without having to pay for college. My essay made no claims about how anyone's plan was better than anyone else's. It made no claims that one was any more right or wrong than anyone else's.But I did make a number of claims about how you can use this specific situation to gain a number of different things. I also claimed, 'Somehow, this person managed to get lucky.' I believe this is another important part of how to do something essay topic writing: bringing into focus how a little bit of luck can turn your life around.Another key part of how to do something essay topic writing is how you can bring into focus how lucky you were to become who you are. What's this famous quote about luck? 'The wheel of fortune turns.' This phrase was used by Aristotle, the philosopher who made the famous theory of everything in a day, so it's a bit of a stretch, but the truth is that luck can really work for you.One of the most important aspects of how to do something essay topic writing is how to make sure you start off with the strong hand. Don't start off with statements that make you sound like you have a plan, but make statements like, 'I knew I would get fired after I lost my job at the last minute.' There are many advantages to starting off with a strong hand like this. Most of all, you're clearly claiming you're the winner in this scenario.The question now becomes, what does this strategy of starting off with a strong hand look like in the essay you write on the topic of how to do something? Let's take an example from my own life, the case of how to get a better job at that crappy job I had. Here's how I started off:The essay on how to do something was on how to get a better job, so the theme was how to find a job. So if you look at this essay and focus on the 'How to' side of it, you'll see the following paragraph in my second paragraph. It starts out, 'So I thought about why I might be in this situation and came up with a p retty good plan to get out of it.'

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